Figurative Friday 6 - Self Portrait

It's been a while since I did a proper self portrait from life and it was about time I captured the crazy hair anyways. Plus, I just got a huge supply of new charcoal toys to play with and couldn't wait to try some out . I will talk more in depth about the different brands and how they are to use in a later post but so far  the Nitram is quite lovely.
Nitram Charcoal on Strathmore 300 series pad

Figurative Friday 5 - Sam

Sam modeled for my Frog Queen piece last year. She was a great model  but I knew I was going to end up changing her likeness a bunch for the piece, so grabbed some normal shots of her as well for myself.  A while back I wanted to test out some new oil colors and some palette ideas so grabbed one of the photos for inspiration and did this little study.

Oil on Panel
8 x 12

Figurative Friday 3 - Robin Williams

It's a strange thing grieving for celebrities. You think of their families, their friends and wonder what right do I have? Who are we to claim any ownership over the loss of someone we've never met?  And as an artist, what authority do I have to communicate that loss in my language? 

But in our culture of entertainment, there are certain people like Robin Williams who do become family. We grow up with their presence as a constant in our lives. Through the television, film screen and stage, they reach out and help shape us into the people we become. For me and many of my generation, Robin was so much. He was our Genie, our Peter Pan, our doctor, our father figure.  He taught us to laugh at ourselves through alien eyes,  to see homosexual relationships in a very human way, to embrace the weirdness of life and never stop laughing at it. In the way only someone who would make you laugh until you cried could, he taught us that inner darkness was not a thing to hide or ignore.

I am really going to miss all the things that he could have taught and the laughter he would have created.

Figurative Friday 2!

A couple more random figures from the sketchbook. Tilda Swinton inspired study (because Tilda Swinton) and a figure doodle from the imagination that's some sort of cross between the Chiquita banana lady and a jewelry hoarder. 

Figurative Friday!

So in honor of Friday I decided to scan a few random figure sketches from the week to share. These are a mix of figures from reference and figures from my head. Fun tip: do an image search for "parkour" and find lots of cool dynamic action shots to sketch.